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Rafeef Ziadah (KCL), Gulf Logistics: The 'Logistics Revolution' & Economic Diversification in Regional Transformation

Centre for Gulf Studies Virtual Seminar Series

Event details

Development plans across the Gulf Cooperation Council emphasise logistical infrastructure as a driver of economic diversification. Investments in maritime ports, roads, rail, airports, and logistics cities are transforming the economic geography of the region. This paper aims to make visible this neglected aspect of the physical transformation of the Gulf - shifting the analysis to emergent maritime logistical infrastructure at a regional level.

The paper will look specifically at the ways the ‘logistics revolution’ has impacted the Gulf region, exploring its intricate intersection with war, trade, and humanitarianism.

While conventional narratives often focus on the corporate and state perspectives of this logistical landscape – this paper urges us to acknowledge the underside of logistics—the vulnerabilities inherent in just-in-time production models. These vulnerabilities open up space for disruption and contestation, with critical logistical nodes becoming also targets for protest and resistance.

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